Solutions for Anxiety
Awaken, Heal and Transform Set Your Self Free from Anxiety Listen to Your Intuition
Start your healing journey with this free video:
"I Wish Someone Had Told Me This About Anxiety"
Are you tired of living with anxiety?
When anxiety gets in the way of living a joyful and peaceful life it can be a very sad, scary and lonely journey. Anxiety not only makes you feel scared, stressed and insecure, but it can also negatively impact many areas of your life.
It can prevent you from taking amazing opportunities or enjoying being with people because scary thoughts are constantly running the show! If you feel that you are stuck in a vicious cycle and want to find peace of mind, you are in the right place.
Is this You?
You feel hopeless because you keep missing out on great opportunities.
You are angry at yourself for not being able to create your dreams.
You are stuck in a cycle of wanting but not achieving and you are mad because you are wasting time.
You constantly feel insecure and lack confidence. Your anxiety makes you so scared that you end up feeling heart racing and other annoying symptoms during certain situations.
People seem to give you stress or you feel nervous around them. You care way too much what people think.
Healing and Transformational Journey
It doesn't have to be this way. There is a solution...
Imagine not being limited by anxiety anymore. How would it feel to be able to transform into the person that you always dreamed of? Imagine being free from those scary thoughts that are keeping you stuck. What would you create in your life if it wasn't for your anxiety? Imagine not having "to control" your thinking anymore?
My Name is Susana Vilmer...
And the good news is that you can find freedom from anxiety now! I have discovered a powerful but simple solution for anxiety, and I am so exited to share it with you. It took me so many years to find this beautiful and simple understanding despite of all the training I had with so many mentors and coaches in the self development arena.
I tried so many different methodologies like positive affirmations, NLP, cognitive behavioral therapy, hypnosis, etc., and while some of them were helpful, they were not sustainable. I consider myself very blessed because I finally found the solution. I suffered from anxiety from an early age and I have been where you are. Like you, I know the pain that anxiety can cause and its limitations. That's why I am so passionate about sharing this solution with you; and I consider myself so lucky for being able to help people with anxiety.
We don't grow up knowing this understanding and my intention is that many people around the world are able to receive these blessings as I have. That's why I created this space for you. My wish is that my story gives you hope!